Friday, May 23, 2008

West Virginia

As you all know, it is Memorial Day Weekend, and everyone is going away. As some of you may know, Randy Moss was born in Rand, West Virginia. And as it turns out, I'm going to West Virginia for the holiday. So, of course, I got so excited about going to see Randy Moss' house. Only problem is, we're going to be on the other side of the state, a seven hour drive from Rand. So, I guess I'll just have to live with it for now. We are going to be staying in a really nice house, though. It's pretty much everyone's dream house. It's in the middle of a national forest, it's got cable, wireless internet, a hot tub, a game room, and four bathrooms. I'm leaving around 4:00, so I might not post today. But, since there's wireless internet, you might here from me tomorrow.
