Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My First Post

This is my first post, so I'll try to keep it simple. I made this blog, and I have some kool kat game sites for you. For one, nitrome.com is a great site for games. Mostly we like their artwork, but yea. Also, there is miniclip.com, another great site with limitless amounts of games. But addictinggames.com has more games than anybody could possibly play. Our favorite game there is super crazy guitar maniac deluxe 2. It's kinda like guitar hero. Also, if you're looking for a good desktop background, you should try bluebison.net.


steve erwin said...

Hey you krazy bloghooligans! I like yer blog - classy design, interesting info. I'll check back later.


Anonymous said...

blog is so wickedly kool. I think you should get more button links like nitrome.

Anonymous said...

This blog is cool, but you need more posts, links, cool things etc.

Anonymous said...

T, your need more stuff and that last post was me, Hube.